Q. How can I tell if my pool or spa is leaking?
A. The simplest way to tell if your pool or spa is leaking is by doing a “bucket test”. This is also known as an evaporation test. Click here for the bucket test.
Fill a bucket level with the water level of the pool or spa and sit it on the step within the pool or spa, mark the water levels on the inside and outside of the bucket and leave for 24 hours. Monitor the water levels after 24 hours, if there is a significant difference from the inside of the bucket to the outside of the bucket, you have a leak!
Q. There’s bubbles coming out of my return jets.
A. This is typical of a leak in the plumbing, remove the cleaner from the pool, clean your filter and make sure all o-rings are tight and lubricated, if the bubbles still continue and the pool level is dropping during the use of the pump then you have a plumbing leak!
Q. My pump is losing prime / sucking air.
A. This generally happens when there is air getting in to the suction line between the skimmer box and the pump, make sure the cleaner is removed, the skimmer basket is clean and monitor the pump, if it continues to lose prime, you have a suction leak!
Q. I have completed an evaporation test and determined that my swimming pool is leaking, it seems to leak more when the pump is running than when the pump is off so i think it may be an issue with the pipes
A. We can determine the exact location of the leak within the pipelines by isolating individual lines and completing a leak detction to the leaking line. We will always recommend to complete a full leak detection to the swimming pool including structural and pipeline testing as there may be more than one leak and we can prevent multiple attendances which will be more cost-effective for you in the long run.
Q. My swimming pool pump is pulling air bubbles when it is on and struggles to prime itself if it loses prime.
A. It appears as though there is a suction leak, there are multiple suctions of the suction line that can cause this issue and these leaks are not easy to find. Hydrotek can locate the leak and provide you with a solution to the issue.
Q. My swimming pool maintenance company has identified a leak to my swimming pool, they have replaced the Hydrostatic valve which has slowed down the leak however it is still losing water.
A. Most swimming pool maintenance companies have a lot of knowledge when it comes to swimming pools and this is why we love working with them to get your leak sorted in a timely manner saving you money on water bills and chemicals, but sometimes a leak can be a bit beyond their scope of work and that's where we can help
Q. My water meter is ticking over but i cant see any wet patches anywhere, my plumber has been out and all of the toilets, hot water system and exposed plumbing aren't leaking. Where is my water leak?
A. Firstly, this is a common issue. You could have a below-ground or concealed burst-pipe. Sometimes the water may never show itself even if your plumber has attempted to do the leak locating themselves. Hydrotek can easily and effectively locate your leak, and yes, even if it's only leaking 10-15L per hour.
Q. I have water damage appearing to the walls and carpet and a damp-mouldy smell in a room in my house, What do i do?
A. If there is a bathroom, laundry, kitchen or wet area nearby you could either have a leaking pipe or a wet seal leak. Alternatively, it may be a balcony or window leak.
Hydrotek can locate the leak and determine the most appropriate solution to your issue.
Q. I have an intermittent leak in my house, it tends to get worse when it rains and then dries up when its not raining.
A. These leaks are more common than you think. Hydrotek can locate the source of the leak to determine the most appropriate solution to the problem, exploratory works may be necessary in some cases however, the leak will typically show itself using our non-invasive leak detection techniques.
Q. I have a blockage in my pipe, the plumber has tried to clear the blockage but nothing is working.
A. You may need Hydrotek to locate the exact location of the blockage in order to expose and repair the pipe.
Q. My shower seems to be constantly leaking, the tiles around the shower are always wet. I have had the handyman try to re-seal the shower, the plumber has checked the pipes yet the leak still continues.
A. Non-invasive leak detection techniques used by Hydrotek can identify the location of the leak so that the leak can be repaired where necessary.
Q. The water meter to the multi-level apartment complex is ticking over, there is no water appearing anywhere and we can't find the leak. We have had a leak detector out already but they couldn't find the leak because the main road was creating too much noise for them to hear anything and we are worried that the leak may not be able to be identified.
A. A leak to a multi-level apartment complex is difficult and time-consuming especially when there is a main road nearby. Hydrotek can locate these leaks, it is not easy especially when tenants are being interrupted constantly by contractors however, with our equipment we can keep the interruptions to a minimum keeping the tenants and the owners happy.
Q. There is water running down the walls of a unit that I manage, the leak seems to be intermittent and only happens in the morning, there’s another unit directly above which may be causing the leak.
A. Firstly, Hydrotek will need access to both units. If there is a bathroom, laundry, kitchen, or wet area nearby you could either have a leaking pipe or a wet seal leak. Alternatively, it may be a balcony or window leak.
Hydrotek can locate the leak and determine the most appropriate solution to your issue.
Q. I have an intermittent leak in my unit, the unit is joined to other units, and the leak tends to become worse when it rains and clears up when it’s not raining.
A. These leaks are more common than you think. Hydrotek can locate the source of the leak to determine the most appropriate solution to the problem, exploratory works may be necessary in some cases however, the leak will typically show itself using our non-invasive leak detection techniques.
Q. There’s a blockage in our common sewer line we've tried to have it cleared but nothing is working.
A. You may need Hydrotek to locate the exact location of the blockage in order to expose and repair the pipe.
Q. There is damp appearing on my ceiling below my upstairs neighbor’s balcony, the leak only appears when it rains.
A. Non-invasive leak detection techniques used by Hydrotek can identify the location of the leak so that the leak can be repaired where necessary.